Plaza del Sol

by Condominio Plaza del Sol



Would you like to navigate with information about Plaza del Sol in the palm of your hand?Access store information. Either by category or by search engine. Check the hours, location, telephone number and website of the store you need to go to.Find out about the promotions offered by our stores and the events for you and your family within Plaza del Sol. Likewise, easily access our latest publications on social networks.Navigate throughout Plaza del Sol with an interactive map. Save the locations of the stores you will visit while you orient yourself by GPS*. Access information about each location, whether they have a store or are for rent. Locate the ATMs, meeting points or bathrooms closest to you. Would you like to save the location of your car? You can save it with confidence that, even when you close the application, the position is maintained.Dont you know the routes that connect to Plaza del Sol? We provide you with a guide to public transport transfers** that connect with our square, as well as taking other emblematic places and hotels as a reference. Do you want to pay your ticket online? Contact us to provide you with a username and password so you can pay your parking ticket without using an ATM or cash. Our app helps you easily access this service.*Mobile data connection required**Routes subject to change